Yoga is a moving meditation that unites the inner and outer you
Each breath is an opportunity to get closer to your optimum balance & health
Classes in Brough, East Riding of Yorkshire

Welcome to your Moon journey!​
The NEW MOON is a perfect time to inhale, to receive, to start something new.
The FULL MOON is a perfect time to exhale , to release, to let go of what's holding us back.
The FULL MOON is the time to let go. You may feel that things are coming up to the surface. Events that you just get over during the rest of the month are getting under your skin. You may feel restless, like something wants to burst out from you. This is the time to take stock of what does not serve you anymore and letting them go for good. Here is a little summary of the areas you may focus on:
Aries - Yourself
Taurus - Money issues, Limiting beliefs
Gemini - Negative words, self talk
Cancer - Family feuds
Leo - Your child, your parenting
Virgo - Unhealthy habits
Libra - Loved ones
Scorpio - The shadow side
Sagittarius - Narrow mindedness
Capricorn - Professional wrong doers
Aquarius - Friends
Pisces - Things you don't like in general
A few simple guidelines on Full Moon release ceremonies:
1. Best time for your Full Moon ceremony is the night before the lunation (the exact time of the full moon) if it is during the day or on the night if it is in the evening, but always BEFORE the event.
2. Sit down, take a few deep breath and allow yourself to settle into your body, like we do in centering in the beginning of the class.
3. Now think about a habit, a thought pattern, or an idea or an upset that you want to release. It can be more than one. Write it down on a sheet of paper – write as much as you need to, to ‘express’ it, let it flow out.
4. Next, think of anyone who has upset you. You can go right back to your childhood, to anyone who, seemingly, did you wrong and whom you haven’t yet forgiven. List their name(s) on the same sheet of paper, and also write down what it was they did. Write as much as you need to. You have now created a forgiveness list.
Close your eyes and visualize each person in turn. See them inside a pink bubble in your mind’s eye (pink is the main colour of love). See them smiling at you. Create a good feeling between the two of you. Say silently or out loud: ‘I forgive you.’, and then let them float off in their bubble.
5. Now ask yourself: is there anything else I would like to release this month with the help of the Full Moon? After that open your eyes and write down what comes up! Anything, just write freely.
6. Now chant this mantra or anything similar to this with your own words:
‘Under the glorious Full Moon, I forgive everything, everyone, every experience, every memory of the past or present that needs forgiveness. I forgive positively everyone. I also forgive myself of past mistakes. The Universe is love, and I am forgiven and governed by love alone. Love is now adjusting my life. I bring love and healing to all my thoughts, beliefs and relationships. I learn my lessons and
move on. Under this glorious Full Moon, I am healed. My life is healed. And so it is. So be it.”
7. Finally, when you are ready burn the papers (safely!) or just tear them up and threw it out!
Practice from this Short & Sweet Yoga practice dedicated to the Full Moon before your ceremony to get in the mood (42 minutes)
Practice from this full length
Gentle Yoga class dedicated to
Full Moon Releasing before your ceremony to get into the mood
(76 minutes)