Yoga is a moving meditation that unites the inner and outer you
Each breath is an opportunity to get closer to your optimum balance & health
Classes in Brough, East Riding of Yorkshire
Yoga for Your Mind - Restore and Relax Workshop - 2 hours

Albert Einstein said "You can not solve a problem with the same mind that created it".
Do you find that dealing with stress is an issue in your life? Or would you just like to be more mindful and achieve a peaceful, calm mind? How does unwinding and letting the body and the mind switch back into relaxation mode sound to you?
In this 2-hour workshop we will be looking at stress, anxiety and depression from an Ayurvedic and Yogic point of view as well. Where does the imbalance come from, how can we start to release it, how can we make ourselves more resilient? Our mind is either our best friend or our worst enemy, let's make it our friend. During the workshop we get out of our heads and bring the focus back to the physical body and the breath. Expect a gentle yoga sequence, breathing and relaxation techniques to calm the mind, alternative therapies like EFT and Bach Flower Remedies and lots of little tools to bring balance to yourself.
In this workshop you will learn the following:
• Understanding the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous systems and how to activate them
• The difference between positive stress and negative stress
• Warning signs that stress is becoming a problem
• Observing where the stress can be stored in our body
• Learning cleansing techniques, breathing techniques and meditations to release stress from the body and mind effectively
• introducing Yoga Nidra, the yogic sleep -Yoga Nidra is a state of deep relaxation where the body is completely relaxed yet the mind is wide awake and we become aware of our inner world. We access our subconscious and use this state to implant positive thinking patterns, release bad habits, bring a quality into our life that we desire, heal an ailment in our body or advance our spiritual journey. Please read more about this Yogic technique in my Yoga Nidra blog post.
• You will also receive short videos of some of the breathing, cleansing and meditation techniques we practice in the workshop to be able to practice at home.
This is not a regular Yoga class. It is an interactive seminar where we will combine postures, gentle stretches, cleansing techniques, breathing exercises, mudras and relaxation as well as discussing how stress creates havoc in the mind and how can we become more resilient to it.