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Pitta Dosha


Pitta Dosha is made up of the FIRE and WATER elements, meaning that these elements are present in a larger proportion in people, season, life cycle, with Pitta Dosha type. Fire is more predominant, and those people with a predominant Pitta nature have many of the qualities of fire within them.


To make things simple, qualities of FIRE and WATER are those which are similar to these actual elements. Pitta is very much like fire - it is hot, sharp, intense, light, focused, full of energy. It is the energy of TRANSFORMATION.

Pitta tends to be hot, sharp, and penetrating. It is also somewhat volatile and oily. The oily nature of Pitta is related to the secondary component of water. People with a Pitta nature reflect these qualities.


They tend to feel warm and have somewhat oily skin, penetrating eyes, and sharp features. They tend to have moderate weights and good musculature. When out of balance they tend toward diarrhea, infections, skin rashes and weakness in the liver, spleen, and blood.


These qualities also reflect in their personalities. Pitta people tend to be highly focused, competitive, capable, courageous, energetic and clear communicators who get right to the point.


They like to solve problems and when under stress they dig in their heels. They can however also become overly intense and speak with a sharp tongue. They make great friends but feared enemies. Emotionally they are challenged by the heated emotions of anger, resentment and jealousy.


In order to bring balance to Pitta, programs are designed to emphasize the opposing qualities of coolness, heaviness (nourishing) and dryness. Cool spices like fennel are recommended in the diet along with foods such as raw vegetables, cooked rice, and wheat, as well as most beans.


Sweet herbs like Shatavari are used to nourish the body while bitters like dandelion root temper the fire. Therapy may not only include foods and herbs but also aromas, colors, massage, detoxification, yoga, and meditation.


Pitta in Balance

  • perfectionist (type A personality)

  • strong intellect

  • strong digestion

  • radiant, glowing skin

  • sleeps through the night

  • inner peace & happiness

Pitta out of Balance

  • controlling, fiery personality

  • workaholic tendencies

  • overheated, excess stomach acid

  • skin rashes & acne

  • interrupted sleep

  • loose bowel movements

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Dora Longman
Brough, ERY
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