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Yamas and Niyamas - 8 limbs of Yoga

Writer's picture: Yoga with DoraYoga with Dora

As mentioned in the previous blog post we have received a very clear outline of the steps we can follow to achieve Bliss in our lives. These steps are the 8 limbs of Yoga that we will work through one by one in the following months in detail.

Let's explore the summary of the 1st and 2nd limbs below:

1st limb: Yamas - the 5 restraints to find balance with our outside world.

2nd limb: Niyamas - the 5 observations to find balance in our inside world.

The eight limbs of Yoga begin with our external behaviour and progress inward to include perfect understanding of our own minds. The initial limbs lay an important foundation for the more subtle practices that follow because our thoughts and behaviours are the first things that create mental stress.

Yamas (Restraints - Peace with the World)

Ahimsa - non harming/non violence - we are advised to restrain from anything that causes harm to others and ourselves through action, word and even thought

Satya - truthfulness - being honest with ourselves first of all

Asteya - non-stealing - the need to steal essentially arises because of a lack of faith in ourselves to be able to create what we need by ourselves. Also think of stealing on the more subtle level too, for example you likely don't steal from a shop but you may steal joy from yourselves by worrying about the future

Bramacharya - moderation, right use of energy - what do you spend your energy on? If your energy levels are low, consider whether your daily tasks are drainging your vitality. Are you spending too much time exercising and overexhaust yourself? Do you work too much? Do you go out and party every night?

Aparigraha - non-coveting, non-craving

Niyamas (Observances - Peace with Yourself)

Saucha - purity - on physical level healthy food choices, adequate water intake, regular exercise, relaxation, proper hygiene. Purity in the mind comes from positive thinking and healthy choices about what we mentally consume, such as the tv shows we watch the music we listen to, and the company we keep. Spiritually purity means engaging in Yoga practice, prayer, meditation, inspirational readings and community activities.

Santosa - contentment, living in gratitude

Tapas - austerity, effort, discipline - we have to show up and do the inner work daily

Svadhyana - self-study, continuous learning

Isvara Pranidhana - surrender to a higher reality

From next blog posts on we will go into detail into each of the Yamas and Niyamas.



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Dora Longman
Brough, ERY
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