I would like to welcome you to the Yoga with Dora Open Day where I will be offering FREE 30 minutes taster Yoga classes to students who would like to start practicing Yoga or to try a different class type.
Class types available to try:
Hatha Yoga - slower paced classes, focus is on the breath and alignment.
Accessible for ALL levels as can be adapted with variations.
Suitable for beginners, intermediate students, students with health conditions.
Recommended for: Vata Dosha balancing, Tridoshic class (balancing all 3 Doshas)
Vinyasa Flow Yoga - faster paced classes flowing from one posture to the other.
Suitable for intermediate, advanced or beginner students without any health issues.
Recommended for: Pitta & Kapha Dosha balancing, Tridoshic class (balancing all 3 Doshas)
Yin Yoga - slow paced class where postures are held for longer periods of time to stimulate the flow of energy through the meridian lines which can release energetic blockages that may be manifesting as a physical, mental or emotional imbalance in the body.
Suitable for beginners, intermediate and advanced students, students with health conditions
Recommended for: Vata & Pitta Dosha balancing
Restorative Yoga - slow paced class where postures are held for longer periods of time, the aim is pure relaxation and restoration.
Suitable for beginners, intermediate and advanced students, students with health conditions
Recommended for: Vata & Pitta Dosha balancing
Booking is a must as there are only 7 spaces available in a class!
Please check the website for regular update on availability of spaces and current schedule as the schedule may change based on demand - www.yogawithdora.co.uk/open-day
Please share it with people whom it may interest!
Thank you and see you on the mat